Naming Our Girl - Josie Lea Ann

Oct. 20, 2021-

I am 27 weeks pregnant today. Yesterday we were asked if we were planning on burying or cremating our baby girl. The reality of what the next few weeks will bring is setting in and the emotions are harder to hide from. We’ve been told the chances of our her surviving in womb until full term are highly unlikely. We will petition to deliver early (which unfortunately is hard to do in Utah) so we can hopefully meet her alive, if only for a few moments.

But we know we won’t get to share our baby’s new and first experiences - funny food faces, her first steps, her first words, her first time kicking a soccer ball… so milestones like picking a name for our baby girl are huge for us.

If she survives until delivery day and lives through labor and birth (another thing doctors are not confident will happen due to her small size and complications) we will spend as much quiet and alone time as possible with her. She will not be able to meet any of her loving and amazing family. So when it came to picking a name, it was very important to us that it be a name with many family ties.

Josie Lea Ann Rader

Is named in honor of her
Second Cousin: Leonard Joseph (in heaven 2008)
Second Cousin: Joseph Kujawinski
Cousin: Makena Josie
Aunt: Kimberly Josie

Great Aunt: Judy Lea (in heaven 2020)


Preparing for Life & Death at Once


Announcing Our Pregnancy - and that our girl wouldn’t be coming home.